Little Miss Thing thought it would be fun to play with the Mama's rotary sewing cutter . . . OUCH!

Little Miss Thing did not realize how sharp the "pizza cutter" was and sliced her finger very, very deep and 10 percent of her nail was gone. As we were trying to get the bleeding to stop someone realized they were a tiny bit dehydrated from being out in the hot sun all weekend. Moments later Wife and Mama called this big guy for help . . .
Yes . . . that would be poison ivy, but picture the postules (orange goop) peppered from the ankle up to the knee on both legs. The doctor diagnosed it as a 'nightmare case of PI'.
The story ends with us watching the fireworks from this lovely place . . . I have to say we had a great view from the ER parking lot.
Viv's finger is doing really well. For one week she could not get her hand wet - which meant no swimming. It all worked out because Justin needed a break from the sun. Justin is doing well too. The poison ivy is still a little itchy, but (thank goodness) no more orange goop.
I will never forget that crazy July 4th.
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