Sunday, December 19, 2010
She thinks she knows what Christmas about. . .
Me: (Very proud . . . Thinking she has learned something from Wonderful Wednesdays at the church) What?
Viv: TOYS!
Nice . . . .
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Happy Holidays . . . From Vivian
It’s that annual time of year again where I sneak in to our home office (looks like an extra bedroom to me) and hammer out the family holiday letter. As you can see, my reading and writing skills have advanced to a college graduate level, so I guess you could say kindergarten is going well. Now, I am cheating a bit by typing this. My handwriting is still a work in progress, but I figured I should leave at least one area to improve in 2011!
Kindergarten has been awesome! I love the teachers and all the activities we do. I’ve made tons of new friends with my outgoing and friendly nature. I take the exact same lunch every day, and it covers all the five major food groups: peanut butter, jelly, bread, chips, and Capri Sun. I could also live on Little Caesar’s pizza without complaint. Mom & Dad would probably really worry about my diet, but I also love lots of fruits. I get along great with my parents, but occasionally they say I already sound like a teenager trapped in a five year old body. Whatever!!!!
I discovered the old show Punky Brewster on DVD this year at my Mom’s suggestion and give it a big thumbs up. I played a ton of tennis, basketball, and tee ball with my sports-fanatic Dad nearby. I even watched the occasional Duke basketball game with him, just to flip on the cute switch and butter him up for the next toy purchase. I have also become a whiz at crafts, which lets me spend a lot of time with Mom while she works on her crafts and projects. Whether it’s swimming in Grandma’s pool, taking a nature center hike with Nana & Papa, or just riding my bike . . . I’m happiest when things are in motion!
Mom didn’t have to travel nearly as much this year in her job, so that was nice. She continues to work for Oce onsite at The Dow Chemical Company. Mom needed to satisfy her creative side, so she learned to sew and became addicted to fabric stores. Every town we go to now, we have to check out the fabric store. For example, we went up to Great Wolf Lodge in Traverse City, home of those big cool water slides, and as soon as we arrive, our first visit is . . . the town fabric store. On the plus side, I get all kinds of cool homemade things to wear and also the scraps from Mom’s “reject pile.” What can I say, not every kid gets to wear a pajama shirt with some kind of animal sewn on slightly crooked on it! Mom even went further and branched out, opening her own Etsy shop (on-line). She called her on-line business “Hottie-Mottie”, which I like because Mott is my middle name and my Mom’s maiden name. Dad is still teaching and coaching, no new addictions to report there. Although I am slowly trying to turn him into a Justin Bieber fan.
I feel very fortunate to have such terrific family and friends to count on like all of you. I certainly am looking forward to continue growing and trying new things. Mom, Dad, and I would like to wish all of you best wishes for a great holiday and Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
His Idea of Christmas Decorations . . .
Yes . . . Plugged in the living room

Saturday, November 27, 2010
It's been forevah, but we are doing well.

She is gearing up for her 6th birthday in January!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Singing in the Shower
For you you that have not heard this song, click on the link below:
Does she not sound just like Rihanna???
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
First Day of School
I know it's early . . . How is Viv doing? She was very excited to start school, but got a little nervous this morning. Hope your morning is going well.
Vivian is doing absolutely wonderful. She is going to be
such a joy to have as a student. I can already tell that
she will succeed in here. Do not worry about asking me
about her. Feel free anytime!
Sincerely, Mrs. A.
Day 1

Day 1 - In the classroom sitting at her desk
Day 2
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Holiday Card Time Already???
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
She's ready to head north . . .
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Tough Competition
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Craziest 4th of July EVER . . .

Yes . . . that would be poison ivy, but picture the postules (orange goop) peppered from the ankle up to the knee on both legs. The doctor diagnosed it as a 'nightmare case of PI'.
The story ends with us watching the fireworks from this lovely place . . . I have to say we had a great view from the ER parking lot.
Viv's finger is doing really well. For one week she could not get her hand wet - which meant no swimming. It all worked out because Justin needed a break from the sun. Justin is doing well too. The poison ivy is still a little itchy, but (thank goodness) no more orange goop.
I will never forget that crazy July 4th.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Kellie Podsiad Photography & Hottie Mottie Collide
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Hottie Mottie on Etsy
Monday, June 28, 2010
Brenda is coming back to GH
I know Vivian is a little to young to be watching soaps, BUT Justin and I both grew up on GH and turned out okay, right? Well . . . Maybe Justin did . . . .
Sunday, June 6, 2010
One Mile Fun Run
Saturday, May 29, 2010
She Did It!
The proud Mama!!!!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Spring in Review
Viv still loves her tennis class. I have even taken up tennis and have had lots of fun playing. . . .

Vivian went "netting" with Tiger, Nana & Papa on Easter morning. She caught two frogs and named them "Princess" and "The Frog". Unique, huh?

Viv also started playing T ball with Justin as her coach. The practices were very painful to watch. Vivian was so bored and wanted to play in the sand or pick the grass instead of watching for the ball. We were worried, but she had her first game on Saturday and was focused and cheered on her teammates. Maybe it won't be a long 6 weeks of ball . . .

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Remember the Post - Life Is Your Art?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Zip It, Punk!
- Number of times we left the house = 0
- Showers taken = 7 (Viv 5; Mama 2)
- Number of days that we didn't have phone service because the garbage truck snagged our phone line down = 2
- Viv beat Mama in Whacka Mole = 2
- Mama beat Viv in Memory = 5
- Amount of Coke Mama drank to settle her stomach = 2 (very bad, but tasted so GOOD!)
- Days we slept in past 9:00 am = 2
- Watched Zack and Cody in bed = 4
- Lunch in bed = 2
- Heard Viv's favorite new saying " Zip it, punk!" = 100+
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Viv - The Cheerleader? {Part 2}
My friend Lori made these videos of her daughter at the cheer clinic - I had to share since you can kind of see Vivian. Viv is in the second row, middle cheerleader.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Viv - The Cheerleader?

My two friends are the cheer coaches at Northwood University. Viv really wanted to do their cheer camp so we signed her up - Yes, Justin may have shed a few tears. In the morning they practiced the cheers and then showed their moves during half-time of the game. We were so proud - She had so much fun and looked great out there.
After the game we had lunch at Logan's Roadhouse. Viv's conversation with her Justin went like this:
Justin: So did you have fun today?
Vivian: Yes I did, but (big sigh) I think I like basketball better!
Justin (smiling ear to ear): Oh really?
Friday, February 26, 2010
Knock Knock

We are doing well at Wife and Mama, but just super busy. Stay tuned for an update!