Interior Designer? Fingers crossed NOT!
Acrobat in Cirque de Soliel?
Cowgirl? Does she know they smell?
Play for the LA Sparks? Please!!!
We have no idea what she is going to be, but she will be smiling!
Hannah Montana The Movie came out on DVD yesterday. This is how we spent the last two nights before bedtime. . ...
Sorry that it's a little dark!
Sometimes I like to order a juice and fruitsnacks from my backyard service (aka mom and dad). My mom always asks if I like I live in the VIP section of neighborhood. I laugh and then she gets me my order.
I have the best parents in the world. They are my biggest fans and love me to pieces . . .
Until next time . . . .
Love, Vivian
Episode: And so and so and so and so . . .
She's back . . .
BTW - Grandma said Kevin is the cutest Jonas Brother!
A few weeks ago we received Viv's preschool report card . . .
Me: This is why I love Montessori - She learns about things like the continents.
Justin: Yeah . . . That's great.
Me: Justin, she's FOUR and has "mastered" the seven continents! I don't think I know all seven.
Justin: (annoyed) Jenny . . .Come on, you know the continents!
Me: Hmmm I don't think so . . . Viv will need to give me a refresher . . .
The Vivian Show
Vivan was trying to perfect hers . . .
"I eat the cake. . . I think it was a mistake. . . Cause now I have a stomach ache . . ." The end!
There are several fibs in this short conversation . . . If you can hear Viv (over the Hannah Montana episode blarring in the background), she says "I'm not at her house." This was her reply to him when he asked if he could talk to me. Then she says, " I am on my way, I'm on the sailboat." THEN, "I'm there now." and hangs up on him. He calls back . . .
My favorite line in this call was when she asks "Hamster" if he can turn on Hannah Montana for her at the township hall. There is never a dull minute when she is around AND she might get her fibbing from her MAMA because I fibbed and said that I wasn't making a video of her. . .
I asked if I could take a her picture and of course she requested that we take more than one . . .
a silly face . . .
a coughing picture . . .
and a picture with sunglasses because, "Mommmm, I can't see when I'm sick!!"
and my favorite . . . a HAPPY face!
and this is Vivian "Dancing in the Streets" . . . .
Viv wanted to make a General Hospital video this morning, but ended up putting on a Hannah Montana concert.
I said, "Vivian, what is that in your hair?" She was all, "Mommmm, it's a headband, duh!"